About Us

Incepted in the year 2006, NEW FAIZAN FOODS, is situated along the west coast of India in Veraval, Gujarat. Our company has emerged as India’s leading frozen seafood exporter in a single decade. Carrying rich experience in fishing industry Director Mr. Haji Faruk Chauhan started NEW FAIZAN FOODS with a passion for enabling the reach of Premium Quality seafood from India, to the world. In a very short span, the company has witnessed growth and success in this field turning NEW FAIZAN FOODS into a successful venture attaining tremendous goodwill worldwide.

NEW FAIZAN FOODS is one of the largest Fish Fillet exporters from India to USA and Europe



Our large cold storage allows us to store the frozen seafood safely and promptly, until the final delivery at our customer’s end. We have a spacious storing facility, which is equipped with the latest machines that enable our products to keep their freshness for a longer time.



The seafood that we supply-export is acclaimed for being free from any adulterants or any kind of impurities. Moreover, our seafood is duly tested on different parameters like quality, taste, freshness, etc., before the final shipment to the clients.

Name of Directors Mr. Haji Faruk Chauhan
Mr. Faizan Faruk Chauhan
Mr. Farhan Faruk Chauhan
Year of Establishment 2006

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